A 23-year-old female grew up travelling and living in a van most of her life

A 23-year-old female grew up travelling and living in a van most of her life. She was adopted in her teens. At the age of 18, she was struggling to stay off the streets and couch surfed from one friend’s house to another. She came to Eddy House in early 2018 when a friend told her we could help her with resources such as an ID and birth certificate. She knew she needed these to begin looking for a job. Over the next few years, we have watched her thrive and flourish as a young woman and gain her independence. However, with the cost of living verses wages, this young woman could not maintain stable housing. With the assistance of Eddy House, she was able to be placed in a transitional living home. Now, she is employed and working towards her long-term goals.
